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Appendix C: when \(Y\) has two states:#

Recall in remark 1 in section 2, we capture the initial rise in the emission responses by the following two-dimensional specification:

\[dY_t^1 = Y_t^2 dt\]
\[dY_t^2 = - \lambda Y_t^2 dt + \lambda \theta \mathcal{E} dt\]

which implies the response to a pulse is:

\[\theta \left[ 1 - \exp( - \lambda t) \right] {\mathcal E}_0\]

A high value of \(\lambda\) implies more rapid convergence to the limiting response \(\theta {\mathcal E}_0\). This approximation is intended as a simple representation of the dynamics where the second state variable can be thought of as an exponentially weighted average of current and past emissions.

Step I: post jump HJB:#

The post jump HJB for \(\phi_m(y_1, y_2)\), \(m = 1, \dots, M\):

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} 0 = \max_{\mathcal{E}} \min_{\omega_\ell } & - \delta \phi_m(y_1, y_2) + \eta log(\mathcal{E}) \\ & + \frac{\partial \phi_m}{\partial y_1} y_2 + \frac{\partial \phi_m}{\partial y_2} \lambda (- y_2 + \sum_{\ell = 1}^L \omega_\ell \theta_\ell \mathcal{E}) \\ & + \frac{(\eta - 1)}{\delta} \left(\gamma_1 + \gamma_2 y_1 + \gamma_3 (y_1 - \bar y)\mathbb{I}\{y_1>\bar y\} \right) y_2 \\ & + \xi_a \sum_{\ell = 1}^L \omega_\ell (\log \omega_\ell - \log \pi^a_\ell) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

First order condition for \(\omega_\ell\), \(\ell = 1, \dots, L\):

\[\omega_\ell \propto \pi_\ell^a \exp\left( -\frac{1}{\xi_a} \frac{\partial \phi_m}{\partial y_2}\lambda \theta_\ell \mathcal{E} \right), for \ell = 1, \dots, L\]

and the first order condition for emission is:

\[\mathcal{E} = - \cfrac{\eta}{\frac{\partial \phi_m }{\partial y_2} \lambda \sum_{\ell=1}^{L} \omega_\ell \theta_\ell}\]

Step II: pre jump HJB:#

Given post jump value functions \(\phi_m(y_1, y_2)\), \(m = 1, 2, M\), solve the following HJB for pre-jump value function \(\Phi(y_1, y_2)\):

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} 0 = \max_{\mathcal{E}}\min_{\omega_\ell } & - \delta \Phi(y_1, y_2) + \eta log(\mathcal{E}) \\ & + \frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial y_1} y_2 + \frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial y_2} \lambda (- y_2+ \sum_{\ell = 1}^L \omega_\ell \theta_\ell \mathcal{E}) \\ & + \frac{(\eta - 1)}{\delta} (\gamma_1 + \gamma_2 y_1 ) y_2 \\ & + \xi_a \sum_{\ell = 1}^L \omega_\ell (\log \omega_\ell - \log \pi^a_\ell)\\ & + \mathcal{J}(y_1) \sum_{m=1}^M g_m \pi_d^m ( \phi_m(\bar{y}_1, y_2) - \Phi(y_1, y_2)) \\ & + \xi_p \mathcal{J}(y_1) \sum_{m=1}^M \pi_d^m \left(1 - g_m + g_m \log (g_m)\right) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Or solve the following HJB with a terminal condition:

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} 0 = \max_{\mathcal{E}}\min_{\omega_\ell } & - \delta \Phi(y_1, y_2) + \eta log(\mathcal{E}) \\ & + \frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial y_1} y_2 + \frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial y_2} \lambda (- y_2+ \sum_{\ell = 1}^L \omega_\ell \theta_\ell \mathcal{E}) \\ & + \frac{(\eta - 1)}{\delta} (\gamma_1 + \gamma_2 y_1 ) y_2 \\ & + \xi_a \sum_{\ell = 1}^L \omega_\ell (\log \omega_\ell - \log \pi^a_\ell) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]
\[\Phi(\bar y_1, y_2) \approx - \xi_p \log \left (\sum_{m=1}^M \pi_m^p \exp\left[-\frac{1}{\xi_p }\phi_m(\bar y_1, y_2) \right] \right)\]

In what follows, we show emission, \(Y\) behavior before temperature anomay reaches the upper bound of jump threshold, \(2^o C\), conditioning on no jump.

The \(\lambda\) we choose here are: - \(\lambda = 0.116\), corresponds to half life of six years; - \(\lambda = 1, 2, 5\). Here, we try to illustrate emission behavior as \(\lambda\) increase.

Example 1: Half life of six years#

With a half life of six years, the state evolution is as shown in the figure below. The evolution follows the process described above with baseline probabilities.

# packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle
from src.model_2state import solve_prep, solve_pre_jump_2state, solve_pre_jump_2state_2
from src.simulation_2d import simulation_2d, simulate_logkapital
from src.plots import plot_2S_ey1y2, plot_1S_vs_2S_ems, plot_1S_vs_2S_SCC, plot_2S_ey1y2_multi_λ, plot_1S_vs_2S_ems_multi_λ, plot_1S_vs_2S_SCC_multi_λ
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
λ = np.log(2) / 6
# parameters
δ = 0.01
η = 0.032
ξ_a = 0.01
θ_list = pd.read_csv("./data/model144.csv", header=None)[0].to_numpy()
θ_list = θ_list/1000
θ = np.mean(θ_list)
σy = 1.2*θ
# damage function
y_bar = 2.
γ_1 = 0.00017675
γ_2 = 2*0.0022
γ_3_list = np.linspace(0., 1./3, 20)
ξ_r = 1.
# %%
# y_grid
y1_step = .04
y1_grid = np.arange(0., 4. + y1_step, y1_step)

y2_step = .001
y2_grid = np.arange(0., .05 + y2_step, y2_step)
args_list  = []
for γ_3_i in γ_3_list:
    args_iter = (y1_grid, y2_grid, γ_3_i, θ_list, (δ, η, γ_1, γ_2, y_bar, λ, ξ_a), 1e-6, 1., 1000, 0.05)

if not os.path.exists(f"./data/res_list_{λ}.pickle"):
    with Pool() as p:
        res_list = p.starmap(solve_prep, args_list)

    with open(f"./data/res_list_{λ}.pickle", "wb") as handle:
        pickle.dump(res_list, handle)

# step II HJB:
with open(f"./data/res_list_{λ}.pickle", "rb") as file:
    res_list = pickle.load(file)

if not os.path.exists(f"./data/res_{λ}_{ξ_r}.pickle"):
    args_pre_jump = (δ, η, θ_list,  γ_1, γ_2, γ_3_list, ξ_a, ξ_r)
    res = solve_pre_jump_2state(res_list, args_pre_jump, ε=0.1)
    with open(f"./data/res_{λ}_{ξ_r}.pickle", "wb") as handle:
        pickle.dump(res, handle)

#load results
res = pickle.load(open(f"./data/res_{λ}_{ξ_r}.pickle", "rb"))
def simulation_2d(res, θ=1.86/1000., y1_0=1.1, y2_0=1.86/1000, T=100):
    y1_grid = res["y1"]
    y2_grid = res["y2"]
    e_grid = res["ems"]
    λ = res["λ"]
    e_fun = interp2d(y1_grid, y2_grid, e_grid.T)
    Et = np.zeros(T+1)
    y1t = np.zeros(T+1)
    y2t = np.zeros(T+1)
    for i in range(T+1):
        Et[i] = e_fun(y1_0, y2_0)
        y1t[i] = y1_0
        y2t[i] = y2_0
        y2_0 = y2_0 - λ*y2_0 + λ*θ*Et[i]
        y1_0 = y1_0 + y2_0
    return Et, y1t, y2t
et_prejump, y1t_prejump, y2t_prejump = simulation_2d(res, θ=np.mean(θ_list), y1_0 = 1.1, y2_0=np.mean(θ_list), T=110)
   simul = {
       "et": et_prejump,
       "y1t": y1t_prejump,
       "y2t": y2t_prejump,

   pickle.dump(simul, open(f"data/simul_{λ}.pickle", "wb"))

fig = plot_2S_ey1y2(simul)

Compare the emission trajectories with the one state model:

In the following plot, we show the social cost of carbon conditioning on no jump happening with comparison to the model with one state.

# capital related parameters
invkap = 0.09
α = 0.115
αₖ = - 0.043
σₖ = 0.0095
κ = 6.667
k0 = 85/α

# Capital simulation
Kt = simulate_logkapital(invkap, αₖ, σₖ, κ,  k0, T=111)
MC = δ*(1-η)/((α - invkap)*np.exp(Kt))
scc = η*(α - invkap)*np.exp(Kt)/(1-η)/et_prejump*1000
scc_1 = η*(α - invkap)*np.exp(Kt[:len(et_1state)])/(1-η)/et_1state*1000

# scc comparison
fig = plot_1S_vs_2S_SCC(et_1state, scc[:101], scc_1)

Example 2: increasing \(\lambda\)#

For the purpose of illustration, we choose \(\lambda = 1, 2, 5\) to show what happens if the half life decreases (click to see the detailed code).

y2_step = .001
y2_grid = np.arange(0., .05, y2_step)
number_of_cpu = joblib.cpu_count()
v_dict = {}
e_dict = {}
λ_list = [1, 2, 5]
for λ in λ_list:
    if not os.path.exists(f"data/v_list_{λ}.npy"):
        delayed_funcs = [delayed(solve_prep)(y1_grid, y2_grid, γ_3_i, θ_list,
                                      (δ, η, γ_1, γ_2, y_bar, λ, ξ_a), 1e-6, 0.01, 10000, 0.02) for γ_3_i in γ_3_list]
        parallel_pool = Parallel(n_jobs=number_of_cpu)
        res_list = parallel_pool(delayed_funcs)
        v_list = np.zeros((len(γ_3_list), len(y1_grid), len(y2_grid)))
        for i in range(len(γ_3_list)):
            v_list[i] = res_list[i]["v0"]
        v_list = np.load(f"data/v_list_{λ}.npy")
    if not os.path.exists(f"data/v_{λ}.npy"):
        args_pre_jump = (δ, η, θ_list,  γ_1, γ_2, γ_3_list, ξ_a, ξ_r)
        res = solve_pre_jump_2state_2(y1_grid, y2_grid, λ, v_list, args_pre_jump, ϵ=0.1, tol=1e-5, max_iter=5000)
        v_dict[λ] = res["v0"]
        e_dict[λ] = res["ems"]
        v_dict[λ] = np.load(f"data/v_{λ}.npy")
        e_dict[λ] = np.load(f"data/ems_{λ}.npy")
def simulation(y1_grid, y2_grid, e_grid, λ, θ=1.86/1000., y1_0=1.1, y2_0=1.86/1000, T=100):
    e_fun = interp2d(y1_grid, y2_grid, e_grid.T)
    Et = np.zeros(T+1)
    y1t = np.zeros(T+1)
    y2t = np.zeros(T+1)
    for i in range(T+1):
#         y2_0 = max(y2_0, 0)
#         y2_0 = min(y2_0, 0.05)
        Et[i] = e_fun(y1_0, y2_0)
        y1t[i] = y1_0
        y2t[i] = y2_0
        y2_0 = np.exp(-λ)*y2_0 + (1 - np.exp(-λ))*θ*Et[i]
#         y2_0 = max(y2_0, 0)
        y1_0 = y1_0 + y2_0
    return Et, y1t, y2t
simul_dict = {}
for λ_i in λ_list:
    v_temp = v_dict[λ_i]
    e_temp = e_dict[λ_i]
    et_prejump, y1t_prejump, y2t_prejump = simulation(y1_grid[:len(e_temp)], y2_grid, e_temp, λ_i,
                                                  y1_0 = 1.1,
    simul = {
    "et": et_prejump,
    "y1t": y1t_prejump,
    "y2t": y2t_prejump,
    simul_dict[λ_i] = simul
# plot, emission, y1, y2, button, λ = 1, 2, 5
plot_2S_ey1y2_multi_λ(simul_dict, λ_list)

With the same set of initial values, simulate emission trajectories conditioning on no jump happening with different values of \(\lambda\). As \(\lambda\) increases, the emission trajectories are moving towards the one state trajectoy.

#  emission, λ = 1,2,5 and 1 state result
plot_1S_vs_2S_ems_multi_λ(et_1state, simul_dict, λ_list)

Use the above emission trajectories to produce the following trajectories of Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) conditioning on no jump happening with the set of \(\lambda\) s.

scc_list=np.zeros((3, 111))
for i in range(len(λ_list)):
    scc_list[i] = η*(α - invkap)*np.exp(Kt)/(1-η)/simul_dict[λ_list[i]]["et"]*1000

# scc λ = 1, 2, 5 and 1 state
plot_1S_vs_2S_SCC_multi_λ(et_1state, scc_list, scc_1, λ_list)